The Parkinson's Plan

Our mission is simple: to help you feel better, live better, and thrive despite the challenges Parkinson’s may present.


More About Our Approach To Parkinson's

Chances are if you are reading this right now, you are looking for the best information and approach to reverse or halt the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Either way, I am glad you are reading.

There is so much research and information to be utilized on the Natural Treatment of Parkinson’s disease!

This is my passion and I am excited to share it with you. At our Parkinson’s center, we are all about you.


How The Parkinson’s Plan Is Different

The Parkinson’s Plan clinic offers the best treatments for Parkinson’s disease that natural medicine has to offer. Our plan uses natural therapies to support the body’s innate ability to heal. There is substantial research in conventional journals that shows that alternative treatments for Parkinson’s can be safe and effective.

The Parkinson’s Plan uses nutrition, vitamin and amino acid supplementation, herbal medicine, and targeted therapies to deliver results. This new Parkinson’s treatment can help minimize damage from medications and help you to feel good again.

The tools used in the alternative treatment for Parkinson’s minimize the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and reduce the progression of the disease, meaning you stay healthier for much longer.

What All Our Patients Are Recommended

Some believe that diet doesn’t matter and that is absolutely false! The food you consume can be a tool for disease or a tool for health. The key, however, is that there is no one diet for everyone. The diet you need is one specific to you and your needs. Aiming for an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective diet is an approach for Parkinson’s, but there is much misinformation on what that type of diet looks like. It is important to be guided by a professional who knows exactly how to implement this.

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Supplements are absolutely essential to protect neurons in the brain from further damage. Balancing amino acids like dopamine and serotonin both in the central and peripheral nervous system can counter the short term and long term side effects of Parkinson’s medication. We decide which supplements are best based on each patients case and the evidence from conventional scientific research on which nutrients, amino acids, and herbs will best help that case. Knowing which supplements and which dosages of those supplements will have a positive effect requires blood laboratory work and also medical evaluation.

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There are several treatments and therapies that are of benefit to anyone with Parkinson’s disease. The Parkinson’s Plan offers antioxidant glutathione therapy and several different detoxification therapies, However, the therapies that are selected for each patient are selected based on their individual picture. Each therapy and treatment has a specific purpose and can benefit in certain circumstances, which is the reason a medical professional should select which are appropriate for the individual.

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