Meet The Doctor



My name is Dr. Darlyn Dragg. I am a naturopathic doctor with a background in biomedical science education who has expertise in Parkinson’s disease. I have created an integrative approach to Parkinson’s treatment that combines proven treatments and therapies to offer improved solutions for Parkinson’s patients. 

Parkinson’s disease is a complex neurological condition in which knowledge of biochemistry and amino acid function and metabolism is integral. With a background in teaching biochemistry, biology, anatomy & physiology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, I have garnished this knowledge and applied it to my field as a doctor. After completion of my medical degree at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, I furthered my education in neurological disorders with certifications in Hinz Protocol and Parkinson’s Management. 

Parkinson’s disease is a personal specialty I have chosen because I have had personal experience with loved ones diagnosed with this disease. I know, firsthand, the toll it can take on the lives of those affected, and I dedicate my efforts, knowledge, and experience to continuously improving treatments and results for my patients. 

With no other naturopathic program specific to Parkinson’s disease, I am proud to offer two different programs that are effective for the symptoms of Parkinson’s. To learn more about these plans, please read the Parkinson’s Holistic Program and the Hinz Protocol. 

Our medical clinic has a dedicated team of professionals with one goal: to provide the highest level of care for each individual. 


The Parkinson’s Plan Team

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