Amino Acid Protocol For Parkinson's


Amino Acid Protocol

The Amino Acid Protocol is a natural treatment for Parkinson’s disease that, for multiple reasons, can have a significantly positive impact for Parkinson’s patients. Parkinson’s patients have a deficiency of dopamine in their body. Typically, patients are put on medications that contain L-Dopa (the precursor to dopamine) to replenish the deficiency of dopamine. However, every conventional medication that contains L-Dopa is combined with Carbidopa. Carbidopa can cause significant side effects and do much damage to many systems of the body when taken long term. The side effects of Carbidopa can be tremendous and often are more severe than the symptoms of Parkinson’s itself. The side effects include uncontrolled muscle movements, worsening of Parkinson’s disease, severe nausea and vomiting, depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Since L-Dopa is the one ingredient that has a positive impact on Parkinson’s disease, often patient remain in Carbidopa even though the side effects can be so negative. The Hinz protocol can be an incredible solution for patients who need L-Dopa, but do not want the side effects of Carbidopa. The Hinz protocol uses a natural source of L-Dopa to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms but eliminates Carbidopa so that the body is then able to replenish dopamine without the consequences and side effects of the Carbidopa.


The Benefits Of The Amino Acid Protocol

Each person is unique in how often they need to do follow up medical visits. In the beginning, follow up visits may be recommended more frequently until you achieve results.


Any type of tremor can make simple tasks become difficult. The Hinz Protocol can make the tremor lessen (and lessen, remove) to the degree where there is no longer significant tremor or any tremor at all.


Fatigue is often present in Parkinson’s disease. Using the amino acids in the Hinz protocol, energy can improve so that more can be accomplished throughout the day.


Coordination of taking steps can become easier so that walking becomes more fluid and less rigid. The shuffling gait and difficulties in initiating walking can become less pronounced.


Balance improves so there is less risk of falling and more ability to move and participate in different activities.


Speech can become more coherent and words can become easier to form. Slurred speech and salivation also improve.


Motor function improves so that activities of daily living are easier to perform. Fine motor skills can improve, which can make the detail-oriented physical activities easier to accomplish.

Amino Acid (Hinz) Protocol


Amino Acid Track (AKA Hinz Protocol)

The Amino Acid Protocol, also known as the Hinz protocol, uses a natural form of L-dopa which can drastically improve Parkinson’s symptoms and balances blood levels of amino acids with other neurotransmitters. Giving too much L-Dopa, whether it’s with pharmaceutical drugs like Sinemet or even a natural form will cause an imbalance of neurotransmitters and can cause symptoms like nausea and depression. You must carefully balance neurotransmitters with other amino acids like 5-HTP. You should not attempt this protocol on your own without medical supervision. It is a very specific process that requires skilled professional help and is available at our Parkinson’s center.

The Hinz protocol is not for everyone. The whole process of the protocol is to find the correct dose of all supplements that eliminate Parkinson’s symptoms without causing any negative effects. The most common complaint during this process is symptoms of nausea or appetite loss. This is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters and is resolved once the correct doses of amino acids are found. This process can take several months or a year (although for some it can be much quicker) and anyone trying to embark on this protocol must know that you likely will feel uncomfortable before you find the correct dose and the process of finding the dose can be tedious and frustrating for the patient.

Once the correct dose is found, most people report feeling better than they have in years! Hundreds of patients have had success with this protocol. Most patients stay on the same dose for years and feel like they don’t even have Parkinson’s at all. However, I do not want to sugar coat this. As much as I want this outcome for everyone, the HINZ protocol is NOT for everyone. It requires diligence, patience, and a lot of guidance from a practitioner that specializes in this protocol. Many patients end up quitting after a few months of beginning the protocol because they get frustrated and don’t want to continue. I do not want this to happen to you, which is the reason I feel it important to be very honest about the difficulties with the process.

This program is superior to pharmaceutical drugs because it eliminates the side effects and long-term negative consequences of the drugs, while still proving effective in symptom relief.

The conventional model to treat Parkinson’s uses Sinemet which is a combination of L-Dopa and a decarboxylase inhibitor. L-Dopa is given orally and can easily cross the blood-brain barrier to increase levels of dopamine in the brain. However, when you give a large amount of L-Dopa much of it gets converted to dopamine in the periphery and causes serious nausea and vomiting. This side effect prevents the therapeutic dose of L-Dopa to be achieved centrally in the brain. The decarboxylase inhibitor solves the problem of nausea and vomiting by preventing L-Dopa conversion to dopamine in the peripheral nervous system and since it does not cross the blood-brain barrier it does not affect the conversion of L-Dopa to dopamine in the brain. So it allows large amounts of L-Dopa to cross the blood-brain barrier into the brain without the effect of nausea and vomiting. However, there is one big problem with this.

The decarboxylase inhibitor irreversible binds to B6. B6 is NECESSARY for the conversion of L-Dopa to dopamine. When B6 levels get too low, this vitamin also gets really low in the brain. Without B6, L-Dopa cannot convert to dopamine in the brain no matter how much L-Dopa is given. Now, this is a big big problem, because Parkinson’s patients need B6 and they need dopamine.

This amino acid therapy uses L-dopa and 5HTP, the precursors to dopamine and serotonin, in a specific dose that is necessary to restore function and prevent nausea that usually limits the amount of L-dopa that can be given. When you also give someone 5HTP with L-Dopa, the symptoms of nausea and vomiting are prevented.There is a natural form of L-dopa, Mucuna, used to provide necessary dopamine. It also uses L-tyrosine which is the precursor to thyroid and L-Dopa. The goal of this process is to determine the exact amount of supplementation of 5-HTP, L-dopa, and L-tyrosine required by your body to eliminate the relative nutritional deficiency and restore proper function.

As you begin the Hinz protocol, we will use regular patient visits to monitor your progress. These visits consist of patient symptom analysis, nutritional supplement dosage changes, and laboratory testing to determine the specific levels of amino acid precursors that are essential to each patient on an individual basis. MTO, monoamine transporter optimization, is the laboratory test performed on urine samples to arrive at the dose of amino acids that will bring your neurotransmitters to the proper level. It measures serotonin and dopamine output against the known amount of amino acids you are taking. Adjustments to the dosing are made based on the results of the MTO.

It is different for each unique individual. Some may get desired results in a few months and some while some may take several months. On average, it take roughly 6 months to achieve desired results.

You must connect with your doctor at least once/week but if more support is needed, can schedule more often.

There may be a need for some urine or blood lab work while you are working with your doctor. These costs are not included in the program.

This also depends on the unique individual. Some require smaller amounts of supplements while others require much more. It is not unusual to need to take 30-50 pills/day. There is powder form of supplements if taking pills is too much. The cost of the supplements is not included in the program.

If symptoms return after they have been in control it typically means one of two things. More likely then not, it is due to an incorrect dosage. It inevitably happens that an incorrect dose is calculated or a pill is missed. Missing a small amount can cause symptoms to return. The best way to manage dosages is to keep a schedule and a log. Another reason that symptoms may come back is that the body can somewhat heal and no longer require the number of supplements given. The solution in this situation is to slowly reduce the number of supplements until symptom relief occurs.

Yes, there can be side effects of this protocol until the point you find the correct dose. The most common side effect of the supplements in nausea, which is caused by an imbalance of amino acids. Nausea is corrected by balancing the amino acids. You will also likely experience a worsening of your Parkinson’s symptoms before they get better.

Yes. You likely will need to be on these supplements for the foreseeable future. Unless you decide to go back on conventional medications, you will need to be on these supplements every month.

To participate in this protocol, you will first become a patient with an initial
comprehensive visit. If it is decided that this protocol is the best fit for you, there
is a $600 monthly fee until optimal symptom relief is achieved. This does not
cover the cost of supplements or lab testing.

Amino Acid Hybrid Protocol

The Amino Acid Hybrid protocol is a similar approach to the Amino Acid Protocol. However, this protocol utilizes a very low dose of conventional medication in combination with amino acids to improve the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

The Hybrid Approach is different from the Amino Acid (Hinz) Protocol in that it does utilize a very low dose of conventional medication in combination with amino acids to improve Parkinson’s related motor symptoms. The Hybrid approach takes significantly less time to accomplish similar results. The Hybrid approach is also less expensive as there is only a fraction of the amount of supplements needed.

Although the dosing of conventional medication can vary depending on the individual, a typical dose while utilizing this approach might be 1⁄2 tablet of carbidopa-levodopa three times per day.

The length of time to see results varies, but a typical range is 1-3 months. Compared to the Amino Acid (Hinz) protocol, the Hybid approach can often achieve results quicker.

It depends on the individual, but a typical person might take 8-20 capsules daily. This amount is significantly less than the Amino Acid (hinz) protocol.

You will have to continue to take supplements for continuous improvements in Parkinson’s related motor symptoms.

To participate in this protocol, you will become a patient with an initial comprehensive visit. If this protocol is the best fit for you, there is a $600 monthly fee until optimal symptom relief is achieved. This monthly fee does not cover the cost of supplements or lab testing.

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